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Title Date File Type/Size Download Reports
Financial Statements
6M-2024 Financial Results 24 Jul 2024 2922 KB
3M-2024 Financial Results 25 Apr 2024 2838 KB
12M-2023 Financial Results 19 Feb 2024 2222 KB
9M-2023 Financial Results 30 Oct 2023 2841 KB
6M-2023 Financial Results 26 Jul 2023 2806 KB
3M-2023 Financial Results 28 Apr 2023 2360 KB
12M-2022 Financial Results 10 Feb 2023 1312 KB
9M-2022 Financial Results 26 Oct 2022 2000 KB
6M-2022 Financial Results 29 Jul 2022 2409 KB
3M-2022 Financial Results 22 Apr 2022 2373 KB
12M-2021 Financial Results 07 Feb 2022 1244 KB
9M-2021 Financial Results 18 Oct 2021 2858 KB
6M-2021 Financial Results 27 Jul 2021 2707 KB
3M-2021 Financial Results 23 Apr 2021 3158 KB
12M-2020 Financial Results 08 Feb 2021 1153 KB
9M-2020 Financial Results 30 Sep 2020 2651 KB
6M-2020 Financial Results 21 Jul 2020 2124 KB
3M-2020 Financial Results 20 Apr 2020 2842 KB
12M-2019 Financial Results 31 Dec 2019 1551 KB
9M-2019 Financial Results 24 Oct 2019 1803 KB
6M-2019 Financial Results 24 Jul 2019 1588 KB
3M-2019 Financial Results 26 Apr 2019 1774 KB
12M-2018 Financial Results 31 Dec 2018 938 KB
9M-2018 Financial Results 30 Sep 2018 2412 KB
6M-2018 Financial Results 30 Jun 2018 2014 KB
3M-2018 Financial Results 30 Mar 2018 1962 KB
12M-2017 Financial Results 31 Dec 2017 1105 KB
9M-2017 Financial Results 30 Sep 2017 1997 KB
6M-2017 Financial Results 30 Jun 2017 2068 KB
3M-2017 Financial Results 31 Mar 2017 2753 KB
12M-2016 Financial Results 31 Dec 2016 1779 KB
9M-2016 Financial Results 30 Sep 2016 2069 KB
6M-2016 Financial Results 30 Jun 2016 2423 KB
3M-2016 Financial Results 31 Mar 2016 1875 KB
12M-2015 Financial Results 31 Dec 2015 4880 KB
9M-2015 Financial Results 30 Sep 2015 2219 KB
6M-2015 Financial Results 30 Jun 2015 3866 KB
3M-2015 Financial Results 31 Mar 2015 1728 KB
12M-2014 Financial Results 31 Dec 2014 4581 KB
9M-2014 Financial Results 30 Sep 2014 1447 KB
6M-2014 Financial Results 30 Jun 2014 3025 KB
3M-2014 Financial Results 31 Mar 2014 2194 KB
12M-2013 Financial Results 31 Dec 2013 3072 KB
Presentation Slides
Company Update 6M24 24 Jul 2024 2548 KB
Company Update 3M24 25 Apr 2024 2622 KB
Company Update FY23 (Au) 22 Feb 2024 3932 KB
Company Update 9M23 30 Oct 2023 6876 KB
Company Update 6M23 31 Jul 2023 7067 KB
Company Update 3M23 03 May 2023 6796 KB
Company Update FY22 (Au) 15 Feb 2023 9406 KB
Company Update 9M22 02 Nov 2022 8999 KB
Company Update 6M22 02 Aug 2022 10078 KB
Company Update 3M22 25 Apr 2022 9791 KB
Company Update FY21 (Au) 16 Feb 2022 8377 KB
Company Update 9M21 19 Oct 2021 6669 KB
Company Update 6M21 28 Jul 2021 7835 KB
Company Update 3M21 26 Apr 2021 7391 KB
Company Update FY20 (Au) 08 Feb 2021 6358 KB
Company Update 9M20 23 Oct 2020 6632 KB
Company Update 6M20 23 Jul 2020 7478 KB
Company Update 3M20 23 Jul 2020 6409 KB
Company Update FY19 (Au) 24 Mar 2020 5043 KB
Company Update 9M19 04 Nov 2019 2849 KB
Company Update 6M19 24 Jul 2019 1153 KB
Company Update 3M19 26 Apr 2019 1225 KB
Company Update FY18 (Au) 31 Dec 2018 1795 KB
Company Update 9M18 13 Sep 2018 1795 KB
Company Update 6M18 30 Jun 2018 1790 KB
Company Update 3M18 31 Mar 2018 1524 KB
Company Update FY17 (Au) 31 Dec 2017 1527 KB
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2023 28 Mar 2024 31.74 MB
Annual Report 2022 06 Mar 2023 7.71 MB
Annual Report 2021 04 Mar 2022 4.77 MB
Annual Report 2020 05 Mar 2021 9.94 MB
Annual Report 2019 16 Mar 2020 8.41 MB
Annual Report 2018 12 Mar 2019 7.35 MB
Annual Report 2017 24 Apr 2018 8.30 MB
Annual Report 2016 25 Apr 2017 9.02 MB
Annual Report 2015 25 Apr 2016 7.72 MB
Annual Report 2014 23 Apr 2015 5.39 MB
Annual Report 2013 25 Apr 2014 7.84 MB
Sustainability Reports
Sustainability Report 2023 28 Mar 2024 27.37 MB
Sustainability Report 2022 06 Mar 2023 7.53 MB
Sustainability Report 2021 04 Mar 2022 3.88 MB
Sustainability Report 2020 05 Mar 2021 4.84 MB
Sustainability Report 2019 18 Aug 2020 2.70 MB
Sustainability Report 2018 23 Dec 2019 6.94 MB