
Historical Price

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Historical price from Nov 11, 2024 To Feb 12, 2025

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Date Open High Low Close Volume Adjusted Close a Information
Recent 2 weeks
(30/01/2025 to 12/02/2025)
570 590 550 580 115,501,200 580
Previous 2 weeks
(13/01/2025 to 24/01/2025)
605 610 565 570 123,078,400 570
Previous 4 weeks
(10/12/2024 to 10/01/2025)
585 615 535 605 291,799,300 605
Daily Historical Data
12/02/2025 550 590 550 580 33,062,600 580
11/02/2025 555 560 550 550 7,768,000 550
10/02/2025 565 570 555 555 10,500,900 555
07/02/2025 555 565 550 565 11,535,400 565
06/02/2025 570 575 550 555 13,451,200 555
05/02/2025 580 580 565 565 7,891,000 565
04/02/2025 580 580 570 575 3,335,000 575
03/02/2025 575 585 560 580 15,863,500 580
31/01/2025 580 580 570 575 5,020,000 575
30/01/2025 570 580 570 580 7,073,600 580
24/01/2025 570 575 565 570 10,954,100 570
23/01/2025 585 585 570 570 11,776,000 570
22/01/2025 590 590 580 580 22,434,500 580
21/01/2025 585 590 575 590 9,649,700 590
20/01/2025 590 595 585 585 17,803,800 585
17/01/2025 595 595 590 595 3,554,300 595
16/01/2025 590 600 590 590 6,222,200 590
15/01/2025 590 595 585 590 10,730,500 590
14/01/2025 605 605 585 590 12,104,800 590
13/01/2025 605 610 600 605 17,848,500 605
10/01/2025 610 610 600 605 12,935,000 605
09/01/2025 595 615 590 610 31,534,600 610
08/01/2025 585 595 580 595 10,952,900 595
07/01/2025 585 590 575 585 7,953,500 585
06/01/2025 580 585 575 585 8,841,400 585
03/01/2025 585 590 575 580 4,395,000 580
02/01/2025 590 595 580 585 6,955,600 585
30/12/2024 575 590 570 590 14,432,600 590
27/12/2024 555 575 555 570 6,533,400 570
24/12/2024 570 575 550 555 10,217,700 555
23/12/2024 570 585 560 570 15,860,500 570
20/12/2024 540 570 540 570 8,794,900 570
19/12/2024 560 565 535 540 25,862,700 540
18/12/2024 575 575 560 560 19,146,600 560
17/12/2024 575 585 565 570 21,390,400 570
16/12/2024 585 585 570 575 24,305,600 575
13/12/2024 580 585 580 585 12,492,400 585
12/12/2024 585 590 580 580 10,271,800 580
11/12/2024 585 590 580 585 19,801,300 585
10/12/2024 585 585 575 580 19,121,400 580
09/12/2024 580 585 580 585 7,770,900 585
06/12/2024 580 585 575 580 13,704,200 580
05/12/2024 580 590 580 585 3,381,000 585
04/12/2024 580 590 580 580 9,563,500 580
03/12/2024 585 590 580 580 14,839,600 580
02/12/2024 575 590 570 580 21,439,600 580
29/11/2024 580 590 575 575 11,723,700 575
28/11/2024 580 585 575 580 16,470,800 580
26/11/2024 585 590 580 580 13,261,400 580
25/11/2024 570 590 570 580 18,543,600 580
22/11/2024 570 575 565 570 22,897,400 570
21/11/2024 580 585 570 570 12,410,900 570
20/11/2024 580 590 580 580 6,688,200 580
19/11/2024 580 585 575 580 8,490,200 580
18/11/2024 575 585 575 580 11,993,400 580
15/11/2024 585 590 575 575 12,887,500 575
14/11/2024 605 605 575 580 24,740,000 580
13/11/2024 605 605 590 600 17,917,300 600
12/11/2024 575 610 575 600 33,502,300 600
11/11/2024 575 585 565 575 17,661,100 575

a - Adjusted for corporate events to ensure the prices are always comparable across different periods. These events include

  • Special Dividend
  • Dividend-In-Specie
  • Capital Reduction and Cash Distribution
  • Bonus Issue
  • Rights Issue / Preferential Offer / Open Offer
  • Share Split / Share Consolidation